

http://www.sina.com.cn 2009年07月21日 14:35   Reuters

  旅途劳累,想找个好床美美地睡上一觉?旅游指南书籍出版商“LUXE City Guides”精选了世界上拥有最舒服床的七家酒店,其无与伦比的床上用品足以让你美睡一夜。

  This list is compiled by Luxe City Guides' (http://www.luxecityguides.com/) editorial team and is not endorsed by Reuters。

  该榜单由Luxe City Guides(http://www.luxecityguides.com/)编辑组整理,其内容并不代表路透观点。

  1. The Bowery Hotel, New York

  The Bowery Hotel's custom-built American-style wooden beds look as plump and comfy as they feel. Serta mattresses are enveloped in custom 400 count Egyptian cotton sheets, plus down duvets, two firm and two soft down pillows, or if you're sensitive, a choice of hypo allergenic pillows and duvets. Leave the curtains open for views of the twinkly Manhattan skyline。

  1,鲍弗瑞酒店(Bowery Hotel),纽约


  2. The Setai, Miami

  With its 700 count sateen cotton treats from Christian Fischbacher of Switzerland, Dux beds with a 2.5 inch (6 cm) latex top pad and a choice of down, feather or hypo allergenic handmade pillows from Singaporean company Ploh, it's hard not sleep. Wake up with the views of the sunrise over the Atlantic。

  2,The Setai酒店,迈阿密

  酒店采用瑞士顶级寝具品牌Christian Fischbacher的纯棉缎纹床上用品,床选用的是瑞典名床Dux,至于枕头,来自新加坡Ploh品牌的羽绒、羽毛或者防过敏的枕头任你选,这样的床实在是想不入睡都难。醒来後还可以欣赏到大西洋日出景观。

  3. Sofitel Watertower, Chicago

  The trademarked SoBed sleep system is actually a Serta mattress topped by a Pacific Coast featherbed and duvet, custom 250 count linen and foam and feather pillows. If you can't stand another night without a SoBed, you can buy one through the hotel。


  索菲特酒店独有的“SoBed”名扬在外,仙达床垫上面铺着专业品牌Pacific Coast的羽绒床单和被子,还有定制的亚麻、泡沫和羽毛枕头。如果没有这种“SoBed”你再也无法安睡的话,你可以通过酒店买一个。

  4. Hollywood Roosevelt, Los Angeles

  After a night at LA's notorious party pad, you can sleep between custom 400 count sateen Sferra linens on a Sealy Palatial Crest Cushion with squishy pillowtop, and 26" square goose down pillows (hypo-allergenic upon request)。


  在洛杉矶的娱乐场所一夜狂欢後,你可以躺在意大利品牌Sferra的亚麻布床单上,身上盖着该品牌的亚麻布被子,枕着舒适的枕头,好好的睡上一觉。哦,你身下的床垫可是Sealy公司的Palatial Crest系列产品哟。

  5. The Connaught, London

  Sleep on the hotel's own signature Maybourne Deluxe barrel-shaped pocket spring mattress, with a poly-fibre pillow top, own brand 50/50 feather and down pillows and lovely Rivolta Carmignani 300 thread count cotton sheets. The window shades block out light completely and just add private butler and Asprey Purple Water toiletries for absolute luxury。

  5, The Connaught酒店,伦敦

  该酒店提供标志性的独立筒弹簧床垫,枕头含50%羽毛和50%羽绒,床单是Rivolta Carmignani家的。百叶窗可完全遮阳,私人服务生及艾斯瑞(Asprey)的紫水(Purple Water)洗漱用品让你尽享奢华。

  6. Park Hyatt, Sydney

  Lie on an oversized Sealy Hyatt Grand Pillow Top king with 50 percent down and 50 percent feather pillows, snuggling under a cosy down and feather duvet and Australian 'Royal Collection' 300 thread count linens. Wake to a view of the iconic Sydney Opera House and the dazzling harbour。


  酒店采用Sealy公司为其生产的超大型床垫,枕头含50%羽毛和50%羽绒,你可以躺在澳大利亚品牌Royal Collection的亚麻床单上,盖着舒适的羽绒/羽毛被,尽情享受,醒来後可以看到标志性的悉尼歌剧院与令人眼花缭乱的海港。

  7. JIA, Shanghai

  The bed is Sealy Hotel Luxury Pillow Top, the linen 300 count, the pillows a choice of soft or firm feather and down or hypo allergenic and the duvets 80 percent down, but what makes JIA Shanghai really sleepworthy are extras such as eye shades, ear plugs, aromatherapy oils and even electronic lullaby tunes. If you're in a suite, you can even have a crackling fire DVD。


  酒店用的是Sealy生产的高档床垫,亚麻床单,枕头也有很多选择,含80%羽绒的被子。不过客房里的眼罩、耳塞、精油及电子催眠曲才是真正让JIA Shanghai一睡值千金的地方。(完)


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